Recipe Conversion Charts

Imperial to Metric Volume Conversions
Imperial to Metric Weight Conversions
Canada / New Zealand / U.K. / U.S. Equivalents
Liquid Measurement Conversions
Imperial Liquid Equivalents
Weight Conversions
Temperature Conversions
Length Conversions

Imperial to Metric Volume Conversions

Imperial Metric
1/4 tsp. = 1 ml.
1/2 tsp. = 3 ml.
1 tsp. = 6 ml.
1 tsp. = 6 ml.
1 tbsp. = 18 ml.
1/4 cup = 59 ml.
1/3 cup = 78 ml.
1/2 cup = 118 ml.
2/3 cup = 158 ml.
3/4 cup = 177 ml.
1 cup = 237 ml.
1 pint (U.S.) = 473 ml.
1 pint (U.K.) = 568 ml.
1 quart (U.S.) = .95 liter
1 quart (U.K.) = 1.14 liter

Imperial to Metric Weight Conversions

Imperial Metric
1 ounce = 28 grams
2 ounces = 55 grams
3 ounces = 85 grams
4 ounces = 115 grams
8 ounces = 225 grams
116 ounces = 455 grams

Canada / New Zealand / U.K. / U.S. Equivalents

1-1/2 tsp. = 1/2 tbsp.
3 tsp. = 1 tbsp.
2 tbsp. = 1/8 cup
4 tbsp. = 1/4 cup
8 tbsp. = 1/2 cup
8 tbsp. = 1/2 cup
16 tbsp. = 1 cup

Liquid Measurement Conversions

1/2 fl. oz. = 15 ml. = 1 tbsp.
1 fl. oz. = 30 ml. = 1/8 cup
2 fl. oz. = 59 ml. = 1/4 cup
4 fl. oz. = 118 ml. = 1/2 cup
8 fl. oz. = 237 ml. = 1 cup
16 fl. oz. = 473 ml. = 1 pint (U.S.)
20 fl. oz. = 568 ml. = 1 pint (U.K., AUS., N.Z.)

Imperial Liquid Equivalents

2 cups = 1 pint (U.S.) = 1/2 quart (U.S.)
4 cups = 2 pints (U.S.) = 1 quart (U.S.)
4 pints (U.S.) = 2 quarts (U.S.) = 1/2 gallon
8 pints (U.S.) = 4 quarts (U.S.) = 1 gallon

Temperature Conversions

Fahrenheit Celsius Gas Mark Description
32°F 0°C
212°F 100°C
250°F 120°C 1/2
275°F 140°C 1 Cool
300°F 150°C 2
325°F 160°C 3 Very Moderate
350°F 180°C 4 Moderate
375°F 190°C 5
400°F 200°C 6 Moderately Hot
425°F 220°C 7 Hot
450°F 230°C 8
475°F 240°C 9 Very Hot
500°F 260°C

Imperial to Metric Length Conversions

Imperial Metric
1 inch = 2.5 cm.
2 inches = 5.1 cm.
3 inches = 7.6 cm.
4 inches = 10.1 cm.
6 inches = 15.2 cm.
1 foot = 30.5 cm.
1 yard = 91.5 cm.

Metric to Imperial Length Conversions

Imperial Metric
.4 inch = 1 cm.
.8 inch = 2 cm.
1.2 inches = 3 cm.
1.6 inches = 4 cm.
2 inches = 5 cm.
3.9 inches = 10 cm.
1 yard 3 inches = 1 meter